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Ballytrea Primary School, Stewartstown, Dungannon

Anti-Bullying Assembly Presentation Gets Everyone Thinking

12th Nov 2018

The Acting-Principal held a special Assembly to discuss what bullying means to the boys and girls. We talked about how bullying can be verbal or physical, how it hurts in different ways and we looked at what we can do to help others feel better. We learnt that our words are like seeds and like a tube of toothpaste, are really difficult to take back. We discussed the differences between being rude, mean and bullying and we know that bullying is intentional and repetitive. We talked about who we can talk to in school and elsewhere and we learnt about cyber bullying. The School Council informed everyone of their poster competition (P4-P7) and wear yellow for respect day. They have decided to award a prize to each class, so good luck everyone!